Friday, 11 February 2011

Kidhulthood Trailer

1)      What technique does the trailer use to persuade its audience?

The trailer had a montage of different techniques within the trailer such as the use of ambiguity. We see this throughout the trailer and this is because it makes the audience want to see the end result of the actual drama. Furthermore we can see that a our protagonist has fallen in the pathway that leads him towards a negative future and we then see him saying to his foe’s family member saying that he is “Sam’s friend “ this create tension because we can see that he could actual affect his family or cause catastrophe within this particular persons (Sam) life.
In addition to this we can see certain aspect that the trailer follows such as the use of being a gangster genre it follow the same expected conventions we such as violence, drugs and death. Death is symbolic within this trailer as at first we see a person at gun point and is close to death. We then come to realise that this trailer could have a circular patterns of this being the end of a person’s life or whether they live. This is left ambiguous because we foreshadow the forth coming event. Furthermore from the props of the trailer such as the use of a gun we can see that pain, and anguish will be involved within the trailer and we as an audience only want to see the dramatic scene therefore the violence within this only show certain shots of several different fights. Such as the Point of view shot where we as an audience can see a fist flying towards someone’s face and hits them. This makes us as a want to see the film because we feel that we are involved with this situation. It only makes a implied audience because we are drawn in through the use of 1st person as we can see the film through another person’s perspective.
As it is a gangster trailer we see many violent scenes, we see typical stereotypes of black people being very violent and also the use of teenagers being a rebel, with their hooded tops and their ‘own’ language (slang). We can then foreshadow that this narrative is going to be about teenagers growing up within a negative society. However we want to endure this journey with our characters due to the sense that some may relate to this kind of behaviour and only wish to see their own problems through another person’s view and how they have up-come these situations. Their actions make us think why they do certain things such as theft; many people would also see this film to see what a teenager’s life is about and how they have come up through society living around such terrible conditions and also terrible influence. Moreover we can see this as the trailer uses realism within it to show that this narrative is only but a story of an actual teenager’s life. Therefore by using such a method we can see that the audience would want to see the ‘real world’ they live in and how society their self portray themselves behind the closed doors.

2)      How is gender represented?

Gender within this trailer is only represented in a negative way; we can see this from the use of violence and other forms of given information. Males are predominantly shown to be the stronger and more superior gender due to their verbal and physical actions. We can see that females through this trailer are shown to only be an object such as when the male figure (Sam) kisses a girl and so stands their only receiving the kiss from the person but her facial expressions show her fear of the person as she fears not top retaliate towards this person. The males within this are shown to be very powerful due to the violence and also are they have been dressed such as the stereotype of wearing a hooded top is shown to be a sign of negativity, violence, and also the typical message within every teenager.

The female gender within is shown to be very weak and are looked down upon by many characters within this; such as the punch towards a woman’s from a male figure only shows how they think of this person. Also when a person at the beginning speaks to his friends he shows no sign of respects towards women and only shows her to be a sex object. Female show that they respect the men however if they don’t respect them t is not an issue such as when the female ask politely, “excuse me, you came with me” and the male rudely tells her using an imperative rather than conversational tone says, “na, you came with me! ” this shows the dominance with the two genders and how two are conveyed in both negative however shown in a different level upon the hierarchy of society.

3)      What target audience would be attracted to this film?  

The target audience for this particular film trailer would predominantly be males aged 15-21. This is because many figures this age can relate to this story. The socio economic class for this would be a C2 and a D this is because they show alternative ideology and many people at this class would see this film because a higher class would want to see a film that follows dominant ideology. The interest of the audience would be a young person, studying at high school or college however they have certain views of themselves, other and society. Violence is an up and coming problem for them and they are shown to be a ‘ghetto’ person and so no care of the world but themselves and their main duties to themselves. They would be quite poor and live in a dreadful society that gives no opportunities
The secondary audience would be a female gender and male of an age above 21 and younger than 15. These people would have certain aspect of the situation but are not involved in these situations.

4)      What low budget values and characteristics can you identify?

We can see that that the industries are not popular and that they don’t show popularity within their other films been produced therefore we can see them to be low budget. In addition to this we can see that there was no director named within the trailer so we can foretell that the director is not popular and hasn’t produced the best of films. Therefore we can also see from this information that it was low budget because we can see that the director has chosen to do a film that follows alternative ideology. Furthermore we cannot see famous actors for the roles given because they could not afford the famous actors to do the scenes therefore they had to settle for the minor actors within the acting industry. Lastly we can see that it is low budget because we can see that there were no major stunts done and shoot in society and not in a actual film studio.

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